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[vc_custom_heading text=”SPORTS PROGRAMME” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:30|text_align:left|color:%2300aeef” google_fonts=”font_family:Oswald%3A300%2Cregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”]

[vc_custom_heading text=”FEEDBACK FROM NGO PARTNERS” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:30px|text_align:left|color:%2300aeef” google_fonts=”font_family:Oswald%3A300%2Cregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”]

neeruAt Udyam, we understand and appreciate the importance of physical activity for a growing child as we work for the all round development of underprivileged children through academic and non-academic interventions. When Youthreach offered some of our children a chance for squash training, we jumped at it. We were initially a little apprehensive as squash is considered to be a rich man’s sport and we were not equipped to bear the costs. Youthreach understood this more than us and provided the children everything they would need for the game. They not only arranged for healthy snacks but also took care of the transportation costs. In return, they expected sincere commitment and discipline from our children.

It was difficult for us to pick up only nine students as all were keen to learn the game. Each of them wanted to learn a new sport even though most of them had never heard of squash! For the past few months, they have been training thrice a week. Besides, we have noticed some positive changes in them. Shivani and Sapna who were introverts have started opening up and are not so shy as before. Gaurav, who often missed his math or science class, is never heard of skipping his squash training. Otherwise a slow learner, Sushant has taken to the sport and Chintu, our intelligent, but overconfident, boy has realised that he has a long way to go. Aarti and Pooja who would earlier tire easily have gained in stamina. Our tall boy Sumit, whose father is a security guard and mother sells vegetables, is the happiest – he won the last tournament and wants to play more matches and, of course, win more trophies.
As we dream of seeing our girls and boys become fine sportspersons in the future, we extend our gratitude to Youthreach for this opportunity to our children who would have, otherwise, never dreamt of playing in a stadium under the guidance of such renowned players as Dr. Bharat Inder Singh and his team.
Neeru S. Juneja
Founder – Udyam Prayas

poonamIt makes me so happy to share with you that our boys who have been a part of the squash training programme at the DDA Squash and Badminton Stadium since April 2013 have not only benefitted on account of physical health but have become utterly confident of themselves. Our sports coordinator told us that our boys have been among the best performing children in the group, thanks to the consistent efforts of the coaches. Thank you Youthreach for providing this opportunity to our children – we hope they will make us all proud.
Poonam Sharma
Coordinator – Communications, Salaam Baalak Trust

yogenNothing is more satisfying to see one’s unsure and hesitant children flower into confident young people. We are so happy that our children of meager means and opportunities are playing squash in one of the most famous sports complexes of their city. All eight children who are directly benefitting from this programme are from our Noida centre. The teacher who accompanies them to the court has shared with us the tremendous support and encouragement the children receive from the coach and how much they look forward to the classes. Not only have they developed a sense of discipline and positivity in their daily schedules, they are also enjoying themselves a lot more than, perhaps, they expected! Sports equipment, professional coaching, transportation and nutritious food… thank you Youthreach for all this and more!
Yogen Kumar
Coordinator – Volunteer Programme, Vidya and Child

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